Sulfur Mines of Kawah Ijen in East Java

The Beginning
It all started in 2008 when I followed my desire and addiction to climb as many volcanoes in Indonesia as possible. This time it was Gunung Merapi sitting just above the sulfur mines of Kawah Ijen. It was then when I discovered 400 porters which make their living in a most horrific brutal way. Two baskets filled with 60-90kg sulphur carried on their shoulders for at least three hours at a time and a daily wage of just a little more then US$12. In total disbelief I returned back to Bali, described my emotions to my wife Puji and then looked for ways to assist each porter and their family. Several months later we returned with the back of our truck loaded with no longer needed garments and a heart that was open to help.
Heinz, Puji, Fabian and the team.
Cloth for comfort
The highlight of each visit to Kawah Ijen is the handing over of parcels with clothing that we collect from supporters from around the globe. In order to keep this part of the project going we depend greatly on all your no longer needed garments. Please be generous and send us all your outdated fashion.
Children Education
The highlight of each visit to Kawah Ijen is the handing over of parcels with clothing that we collect from supporters from around the globe. In order to keep this part of the project going we depend greatly on all your no longer needed garments. Please be generous and send us all your outdated fashion.
Financial Support for the Miners
Please be certain that from any amount donated, 100 % will benefit the porters. With any transfer please mention Kawah Ijen Sulphur Porter Support
ANZ Access Advantage Account
BSB # 014672
Account number # 511099532
Raiffeisenbank Vierwaldstaettersee Sued Genossenschaft
Heinz von Holzen
Geschaeftsstelle Ennetbuergen
Buochserstrasse 1
6373 Ennetbuergen
IBAN: CH78 8122 2000 0095 8876 0
BC# 81222
Account Name: Ketut Puji Aniki Oka
Bank: Maybank Indonesia
Jalan By Pass Pertokoan Nusa Dua Blok E39-41
Benoa Kuta Badung Bali 80361 - Indonesia
Account #: 1 037 023939
Swift Code: IBBK IDJA